Stéphane Hottinger
Stéphane Hottinger
Stéphane Hottinger


“Skiing is my alibi to discover the world”

A mountain guide since 2003 and professional rescuer, Stéphane Hottinger is team manager of the Worldguiding team.

Birth date : 27.02.1980
Home mountains : Les Marécottes in Switzerland
Favorite ski spot : The Kamchatka
Aside job : Mountain guide

What led you into skiing ?
Living next to the ski slopes, I didn’t have many options. If I was living next to a rink I would certainly have become a hockey player !

What do you like the most in skiing ?
It’s my alibi to discover the world.

Your most beautiful memory on the skis ?
A great powder day with my family, when you see that little light in their eyes you know that the virus is transmitted. Not the Covid, the love of skiing…

Your proudest achievement
The day my son moved from snowplough to parallel turn and still today, everytime I have the chance to ski with him.

An objective or a dream that you want to achieve in the future ?
To still have the chance to be able to freely practice my profession and my passion.

Which persons inspires you ?
I always admired Erhard Lorétan, a multifaceted person, extremely talented and humble. Today I like to see Jeremy in his works. He embodies the new generation, is reinventing freeride and will show us more great things in the future.

What do you like to do when not skiing ?
Spend a quiet day with my family, biking, paragliding, climbing, and a good beer with my friends !